New year, New you, New goals!

1st February 2018

New Year, New You, New Goals!

1st February 2018

Hello beauties! Its hard to think that as I write this we are already in February! So happy new year! I am so excited for 2018 and all the amazing things this year is going to hold! I guess as a new ear rolls around it is time to close the chapter of 2017 and write the story for 2018, with Fitness camps under way, a wedding just around the corner and turning 30 this year I can already tell this year is going to be massive but amazing! As the new year rolls around I know so many of you out there will set yourself resolutions. I’m not doing that this year, instead I like to set goals/challenges of things I would like to achieve.. so I thought I would share with you a couple of things I want to work on this year to be my happiest and healthiest self x 1. To create healthy daily habits: drinking warm lemon water every morning after I wake, to move my body in a loving way (listen to my body), drinking plenty of water, to nourish my body with beautiful fresh foods (being more aware and making conscious choices about where I source my food from)2. To journal everyday: As I wake in the morning sipping on my lemon water and green tea, writing down my intentions for the day, a favourite quote or something I would like to focus on in the day, then at the end of the day writing down my gratitude for the day that has been.3. Create morning rituals: whether this is waking for a sunrise beach walk, a morning meditation, journaling, yoga, or workout. Creating rituals that nourish the mind and body, getting my mind into a good head space before the working day.4. To immerse myself in nature: going for walks on the beach or in the bush, mountain biking or surfing, sitting outside watching the clouds and just being present in the moment, being out in nature is where I feel my happiest! So making it a priority to be out in nature everyday.5. To simplify life: this goes for all aspects here, to reduce the amount of plastic, waste we use, to be present in the moment, to de clutter the house and clothes/materialistic things, to spend more time doing things I love with the people I love, spending less and doing more. I encourage you to sit down and think about the things you might like to achieve this year! As you can see I haven’t set myself any specific training or body goals as I want to focus more on nourishing my mind and body, loving my body how it is and for all the amazing things it does for me. I hope you have all had an amazing start to the year! I am so excited for whats to come this year! Let’s make 2018 something special! Lots of love and happiness x